123058021_10225165910398699_8765216163358684829_o Attached Source South Jersey and Environs – Day Tripping I started this page about local travel quite a while ago, before COVID-19 was a thing, never knowing that all travel, even local would come to a halt. Now, with short adventures to get some fres... 119427922_10224948267236170_1718449210909287963_o 123241539_10225216210176162_8478119182997170719_n
December 17, 2023 Karen Kurtz Three States in Two DaysTrying to keep with our plan to get away anytime we can, we had a free weekend and an errand to do i...
June 28, 2023 Karen Kurtz Grocery Shopping – Fewer Road TripsAll the rest of my posts are about how much I love to travel and the places we go. One place I...