342195076_193681449649603_1126636971496694678_n Attached Source South Jersey and Environs – Day Tripping I started this page about local travel quite a while ago, before COVID-19 was a thing, never knowing that all travel, even local would come to a halt. Now, with short adventures to get some fres... 342187350_1930236883978635_7130521071255021537_n 342206053_3170711523220324_306558825645900750_n
September 4, 2023 Karen Kurtz LancasterThis is shorter than my regular blog entries, but this was a shorter and less busy trip than most, s...
August 9, 2018 Karen Kurtz Vermont and New York :Falling Water De TourSeveral months ago I read a post on Facebook about visiting numerous waterfalls in New York in a six...